Obstetrician Gynecologist
Reproductive Endocrinologist
Ass. Professor of State Univ. of New York
Diplomate of American Board of Ob/Gyn
Dr. Vasilios G. Kontopoulos was born in Oihalia, Messinia Greece. He graduated from medical school of Athens and served the Greek Army as sub lieutenant doctor for 2 years. Subsequently after serving the Greek countryside as a community doctor for 1 year, he went on to work as an internal assistant in KAT hospital, 1st General Surgery clinic.
Thereafter he continued his studies in USA, initially in NYU (New York University) and subsequently he completed his Ob/Gyn residency in the famous Margaret Hague Maternity hospital, in NJ. In his last year of residency he was responsible for the colposcopy unit and subsequently for the laparoscopy unit.
After his residency, he went on to do his fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility in the University Hospital of Downstate Medical Center- State University of New York (SUNY) with Professor Carl Gemzell and Alvin Siegler.
Prof. Gemzell is considered the “father” of gonadotropins and for that reason he had the exclusive permission to administer post-menopausal gonadotropins (Pergonal) for ovarian stimulation.
He achieved the title of Ass.Professor of Ob/Gyn in the University Hospital Downstate medical center-State University of New York and specialized in Microsurgery, after completing extensive experiments of microsurgery on rabbits for a long duration, focusing in avoiding post-surgical adhesions by pharmaceutical means and microsurgical techniques.
After undertaking written and oral exams, he became a diplomate of the American Boards of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
He returned to Greece, were he worked at MHTERA maternity hospital (1981-6/1996) focusing on microsurgery and laparoscopy ,performing many surgical cases that were referrals from colleagues from all over Greece, on average 500-600 laparoscopic surgeries per year and 250-300 microsurgical cases per year.
On 1/30/1991 he was appointed as a Director of Elenas Maternity hospital by the department of Health of the Greek government, but he voluntarily departed from the position, continuing thereafter his practice at MHTERA hospital.
In 1992 he created an Assisted Reproduction Center, namely “Athens Fertility Center” in Chalandri, Greece.
In 1996 he became the Director of the Assisted Reproduction Center of IASO Maternity Hospital, were he remained director of the unit until 1/2015.
His Academic achievements:
In June of 1976 along with his Professor Mildred Seeling in NYU, who spend most of her lifetime in the study of Magnesium physiology, and her scientific work achievements were published in N.Y.Times. Under her supervision the first studies on Intravenous administration of Magnesium for preeclamptic women in Margaret Hague Hospital were published, that showed a protective effect and were announced by Dr.Kontopoulos as a lecturer in the 2nd International Conference for Magnesium in Montreal, Canada.
In January 1978, along with Dr. C.F.Wang & Dr.A.Siegler they described the role of Salpingitis Isthmica Nodosa (SIN) in infertility and ectopic pregnancy. A new hypothesis was described about the origin of SIN, since up until then it was thought to be a congenital anomaly whereas now it is considered to be an acquired disease as a result of inflammatory changes. (Infertility Vol.2, 1978)
In December of 1978 in Berlin he lectured about the lysis of adhesions and the general management of adhesions with microsurgical techniques and suggested the expansion of microsurgical practices in other medical specialties.
In November of 1981 along with Prof.A.Siegler the described their collective experience from 1977 in the treatment- therapy and stages of intrauterine adhesions by Hysteroscopy. (Journal of Reproductive Medicine Vol.26, July 1981)
In January of 1981 he became director of the department of radioisotopes of MHTERA maternity hospital due to his experience in Reproductive Endocrinology.
In March of 1985 he studied the possible relation between Lupus Anticoagulant and Anti phospholipid antibodies with recurrent abortions.
In November of 1996, he was the main speaker in a lecture/seminar about Endometriosis in Children’s hospital in Harvard (Endometriosis: Update on Management and Outcome. Harvard Medical School)
Teaching activities:
He has trained several residents both in USA and in Greece, as well as PhD students, many of which have now important positions in USA and their countries.
He dedicated many of his years in scientific research in the fields of Gynecological surgery and in general in Infertility.
He is one of the pioneers of Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy in Greece.
Teaching themes:
- Gynecological embryology
- Congenital anomalies of internal genital organs
- Gynecological endocrinology.
- Microsurgery
- Laparoscopy diagnostic and surgical
- Hysteroscopy diagnostic and surgical
- Polycystic ovary syndrome
- Prolactinoma
- Empty Sella Turcica syndrome
- Male infertility- Sperm Laboratory with simultaneous analysis in serum and spermatic fluid of donors for FSH, LH, T, E2 and Zinc.
- The role of Zinc in the spermatic fluid’
- Prevention of adhesions
- Tubal ligation
- Reversal of tubal ligation.
Chapters in Books:
- Reversal of sterilization. Chapter 15. Editors: John J.Sciarra, Gerald I.Zattuchni, J.Joseph Spiedel. Harper & Row Publishers, New York.
- Reproductive Medicine, Serono Symposia No 93, Editors: G.Frajese, E.Steinberger, L.J.Rodriguez-Rigau. Raven Press 1992, New York.
Attendance as a Lecturer in Scientific Meetings:
- Greece: 160
- USA and Europe: 80
- AAGL: 8
Founding Member:
- Along with A.Siegler, H.Lindermann, R.Palmer, J.Philips et al- American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists (AAGL) – 1997.
- Hysteroscopic Society 1981-1982
Academic titles:
- MD
- PhD
- Fellow of Medicine
- Fellow of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility
- Instructor of Ob/Gyn
- Assistant Professor of Ob/Gyn at S.U.N.Y
- Visiting Professor of Ob/Gyn at S.U.N.Y
MHTERA hospital:
1981-82 until 6/1996
Microsurgical operations for repair of tubal problems and endoscopic operations
Main interests:
- Stimulation of ovulation
- Laparoscopy
- Hysteroscopy
- Endoscopy training of foreign doctors
- Endocrinology general-hypothalamus-hypophysis-ovaries- testis